
Your satisfaction: our greatest pride!

Discover the results of our satisfaction survey and the opinions of our clients, academic institutions and training centers.

Every day, ETS Global strives to guarantee the highest quality of service. In the interests of continuous improvement, we have carried out a satisfaction survey of 700 academic institution and training center clients who use the TOEIC tests. Thank you to all our clients who participated in this survey between May and June 2023.

Our clients speak out

Communicating effectively and transparently with our clients is essential. ETS Global is always ready to listen in order to offer the best possible service: 94% of our clients are satisfied with the relationship and interactionswith our sales teams (69% are very satisfied).

Download the results of the satisfaction survey.

Preparation and test sessions

Preparing for the test session involves several important stages, for which support is a key element:

93% of our clients appreciate planning and ordering sessionsthrough their online account and 96% are satisfied with the delivery of testmaterials (78% are very satisfied).

I always speak with such pleasant and helpful people.

Our aim?

To provide our clients with the information they need to ensure the best possible TOEIC experience for their candidates.

95% of our clients are satisfied with the organization of Institutional Programme sessions (71% are very satisfied) et 96% appreciate the organization of Public Programme sessions. 

The TOEIC test results documents

ETS Global takes great care to provide our clients with a reliable and representative score in order to best highlight candidates' skills. 94% of our clients appreciate the test taker results list(sending method, information provided, reception time)and 93% are satisfied with thecertificates of results.

Supporting our clients means not only meeting their needs, but also providing them with the best possible advice when they call on us. That's why 92% of our clients are satisfied with the way the Customer Service team handled their request. 

We thank them once again for their loyalty and trust over the years. 

I find it pretty straightforward and easy to retrieve results.