
A TOEIC score to boost your resume

Highlight your language skills

According to a 2017 survey conducted by iCIMS, 65% of recruiters said that written or spoken communication skills are more important in an entry-level job applicant than their college major. And according to research led by ETS, 78% of human resources decision-makers responding to the study say that the need for English-proficient employees has increased over the past few years. Mostly because without the ability to communicate with clients, colleagues and associates, a business cannot survive. Nowadays, as companies internationalise, the ability to communicate in another language becomes especially important. 

How to indicate language proficiency and how can TOEIC test scores help you boost your resume?

The importance of language skills on a resume

In our current global economy, speaking a foreign language is one of the most valuable skills. It not only shows employers an extra value that you can bring to the company, it also shows your knowledge of a different culture. Proficiency in a foreign language will give you the opportunity to prove yourself as a global employee, with the ability to immerse yourself in other cultures and in an international company. In a market environment, where it is crucial to stand out of the crowd, knowing a foreign language can be the skill that will differentiate you from other candidates.

How to highlight your language skills

Above all, you should be honest when mentioning your language proficiency. If this language is necessary for the job you are applying to, the recruiter may ask a native speaker to assess your proficiency during the interview. There are many different ways to indicate your level, for example, you can indicate  your level on the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) or use the LinkedIn scale (elementary proficiency, professional working proficiency, full professional proficiency, etc). Otherwise, a language certification is a great way to showcase your language skills.

A TOEIC® test score to showcase your English proficiency

Having a meaningful language certification will highly help you present your language skills. The TOEIC® tests have been designed to measure general English in a workplace environment, which is what employers are looking for in job applicant. Moreover, being recognised worldwide and being the English certification the most widely used around the world, it can instantly show employers what your level is and what you are capable of while communicating in English.

The TOEIC® test is a powerful tool to boost your resume and to stand out of the crowd when looking for a job. To optimize your chances for success, many preparation tools are available to you to practice before registering to a test near you.