Case study

Wall Street English Gironde

A dynamic approach to English training, certified with the TOEIC® test.

Established in France since 1983, Wall Street English is dedicated to enhancing English proficiency. This language school network has developed a unique learning method ensuring the progress and success of its students. TOEIC® tests certify their English proficiency.

Nicolas ROOS, Franchise Manager for Wall Street English in Gironde, shares his passion for education, team dedication, and pride in seeing learners succeed in their academic or professional lives through English mastery.

"And the French speak English"

Wall Street English's slogan reflects impressive results, with 69 schools training around 25,000 individuals annually. Learners, aged 17 to 77, predominantly female. The majority the participants includes professionals, followed by students and job seekers.

The motivations of learners to train in English

The motivations driving professionals to undergo English training are deeply rooted in the realities of professional life. Situations such as acquisition by a foreign company or collaboration with international partners have created an undeniable need to master the English language.

For employees, triggers for this awareness can stem from external events, as mentioned, but also from career advancement prospects such as a promotion or internal and international mobility projects.

As for students, they often feel the need to undergo training due to the obstacle posed by their insufficient English proficiency to access their preferred higher education programs. Many courses require prospective students to demonstrate a B2 level for admission.

Wall Street Method: Measurable Effectiveness of Training Programs

Wall Street English offers an innovative, personalized learning method based on a unique measurement of learners' progress, allowing continuous adaptation of lessons to individual needs. Progress is measured across 20 levels and 4 sub-levels, all correlated with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

On a daily basis, pedagogical assistants monitor learners' progress, refining the content of the training. The courses are structured to enhance oral expression and comprehension, incorporating interactive exercises and multimedia materials. The use of online platforms and mobile applications enables learners to practice anytime, anywhere.

By combining flexible online courses with in-person sessions, Wall Street English provides a dynamic and effective learning experience. Notably, the most popular program is the M12.

"Being certain that we can guide our learners to the English proficiency they desire, provided they diligently adhere to the pace of their training, we formally commit to their success. Otherwise, we refund the course." explains Nicolas ROOS, Franchise Manager of Wall Street English centers for the Gironde department.

The Complementary Choice of TOEIC® Certification

While Wall Street English is a leader in English language training, it does not act as a certifying body.

"The role of a certifying body is different from that of an educator," emphasizes Nicolas ROOS. "Therefore, Wall Street English's partnership with ETS Global is natural as our skills complement each other. Since TOEIC certification is globally recognized, it is the one we offer to our learners."

In France, Wall Street English provides training programs, including TOEIC certification, eligible under the CPF (Personal Training Account) scheme.

Between 2019 and 2022, over 5.6 million training applications were financed through CPF, with more than 350,000 specifically for TOEIC certification, making it the top language certification.

The success of the learners, their greatest pride.

Nicolas ROOS takes great pride in the cohesion and pedagogical enthusiasm of his teams, all working towards the success of the learners.

"All services at WSE Gironde operate synergistically for the benefit of the learner, showcasing fantastic teamwork. We are proud to witness our learners achieve the English proficiency they aimed for. However, success often goes beyond this objective, as reaching this level has allowed them to move to the next stage in their lives. When Abdel*, who had faced life's challenges, joined MIT in Boston after a year of training, the entire team shared in his joy," concludes Nicolas ROOS.