Use your CPF to leverage your English language skills
Say "Yes" to a training in English and a certification with the CPF!
Do you wish to boost your career, evolve in your current job or seek for a new job?
A training in English and the certification TOEIC® can help you in this process.
To develop your skills and improve your employability, you can use your Compte Personnel de Formation to finance a training in English language. To do so, you should check 2 eligibility criteria:
- The training you are interested in, must be listed by France Compétences
- Every training must include a certification approved by France Compétences
The TOEIC test is a certification recognized and approved by France Compétences. With this guaranty, all you have to do is:
- Chose a training in English language that matches your objectives, your level and your availability by looking at the website Mon Compte Formation.
- Ask the Training Centre that you have selected to pass the TOEIC certification. A lot of Training Centres offer the TOEIC certification, so there must be one near your place or online!
We guide you through all steps of way a bit below on this page.
It’s time to develop your English language skills and boost your career with the TOEIC tests, eligible for the CPF!
How to find a training in English language with a TOEIC test, both eligible to the CPF
1. Consult your CPF rights on
You can also download the App "Mon Compte Formation" on the App Store or Google play.
You have an account with an annual credit of €500 with a maximum of €5,000.
Fill in your login details (either your Tax account number or Ameli CPAM account number) and your password to connect.
Warning: never give your loggin details nor password to a third party.
Read our article: How to protect my CPF Account?
Not yet registered?
- Create your personal account with your social security number and a valid email address.
- If you were an employee before December 31, 2014, you may still have DIF rights (Individual Training Rights). Following amendment 109, you can transfer you DIF rights until June 30th 2021. After that date, your hours will be lost.
2. Choose your training including the TOEIC Tests
From the home page or in the "Rechercher une formation "tab:
- Enter the CPF keywords for TOEIC® tests in the search bar : TOEIC anglais).
- You must enter a postal code in the "Rechercher une formation" tab to find an organisation near you. You also have the possibility of choosing e-learning by clicking in the "Formation à distance" tab.
- Select the training organisation that suits you from the drop-down list and access to the training details.
- Click on the "S'inscrire à cette formation" tab and complete the required information about yourself.
- The training organisation will come back to you within 2 business days.
If you are an employee or a job seeker registered at Pôle emploi and your rights do not allow you to finance totally the training you have selected, your employer or Pôle emploi can help you by cofinance this training. Find all relevant information by going on website or app Mon Compte Formation.